Senior Pastor



Joseph Brice, the author of "God, The Women and Their Enemy, Resurrection, Why I Satan Hate The Woman", is the senior pastor and founding member Kingdom Rights Ministries a 501c(3), located in Birmingham, Alabama. He was born in Maryland to a Father (builder/contractor) and Mother (Pastor).

He grew up in Baltimore and was blessed to have both parents. He was raised up in church of the Apostolic and Pentecostal faith. Without a background of music, lessons or theory, he was asked to play the organ on a Sunday morning service. Of course, he was not able to play but hit the keys and pedals anyways being obedient to his pastor.

Every Sunday this was his place and duty, all the keys looked the same just black and white. One Sunday morning in worship service the praise and worship was on a high and Joseph continued just hitting keys. With the entire congregation as a witness, he worshipped God with his eyes closed, music started playing and he was the only one on the organ.

He thought to himself that someone else of musical skills must have taken his place and started playing, but to his surprise no one else was there and he looked at his hands moving over the keys, upper and lower keyboards as well as his foot playing the bass pedals. Joseph could hardly believe what he was hearing and seeing. The music was beautiful and people were on their feet screaming and crying because of what they were witnessing. This was a miracle! Joseph became the minister of music at the age of 14.

At the age of 18 Joseph left the church and joined a secular band playing top 40 music. Little did he know this would be the beginning of his end. Playing several clubs and eventually recording in the studio, he would go on tour. Joseph would go on for several years without drinking or indulging in drugs. One day he tried drinking, then tried smoking weed, then it escalated to cocaine, ultimately, became addicted. It was after a three day and three nights straight drinking and cocaine that God, delivered him instantly from this addiction on an Eastern Sunday, never getting drunk or doing drugs again. #RESURRECTIONJOSEPHBRICE

Joseph Brice would relocate from Baltimore, MD. to Atlanta, Ga. in 1995. Later would receive a call about concerns of a project possibly not being completed on schedule and asked for my assistance. Joseph agreed to work on the project, it would become the new home of New Birth Cathedral Lithonia Ga. Bishop Eddie L. Long Senior Pastor. After assisting in the completion of cathedral, he was compelled to attend a Sunday service. It was the introduction to the kingdom message and he would never be the same again.  Joseph would attend several Sunday services and Wednesday night bible studies. Impacted and transformed by Bishop Long's teachings and kingdom messages, Joseph would not be comfortable going back to religion, neither doctrines of men and tradition. He would become a member officially in the year 2000. 

Joseph was licensed and ordained as minister in August of 2001, then Pastor in August of 2002. Joseph has been a part of many outreach services and outdoor baptisms. Have preached and laid hands on many leading them to Christ and the kingdom. there are many witnesses as to how real the power of God is, and how He will never forsake His people. I knew church, but did not know kingdom. Adopting the kingdom message and teachings of Bishop, Joseph is faithful to preaching the gospel of the kingdom  (Mathew 24:14).

He is truly inspired by and believes in God, His love and gift of His Son Jesus the Christ for the redemption of all humanity. Jesus died for our sins and is the way to eternal life.  and the miracles that happen to humans when they believe in God. He has experienced many events, indicating God's love and mercy.

His burning desire is to show the Kingdom of Heaven to those who are hungry and thirsty for God's love. Thus, he writes and works for those who never known it before. We are in a fight and need to understand our rights, not just Human Rights, Women's Rights, Civil Rights, etc but our KINGDOM RIGHTS. Joseph is dedicated to bringing the awareness of the kingdom, our Lord and God, His will and the benefits of being a citizen of God's kingdom right here on earth (Mathew 6: 6-13).

Joseph Brice's mission is to bring awareness of the power of love, forgiveness and repentence. He raises awareneses of the divine opportunity to be more than church members but disciples and become sons and daughters of the kingdom, then ultimately citizens. After becoming citizens of God's kingdom, he emphasizes the importance of understanding and knowing your rights.

Brice is a father, an author, a speaker, and a builder. Joseph and his wife Janet live in Birmingham, Alabama with their children. He has written this book to present how merciful and unique God can be and how he helps those who try to find him. He presents poetically and beautifully the love of God and how God shows his love for his children through this book.


Pastor Joseph Brice 2022.mp4