Community Involvement

Kingdom Rights Ministries is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing positive change to our communities by teaching and empowering our people starting with our youths. Offering opportunities in education and skills…daily usable skills. Rendering a positive impact building confidence individually as well as a whole. Encouraging all people starting with those of the community in which we live to make a better place to live. Providing the tools, skills and education for a much better prepared future.

Education is the key naturally, but God is the key spiritually for the completion of the good life. We are inspired to take hidden potential and turn it into purpose. Encouraging us as a people to turn back to the things most important in life in order to live a good life for generations. 

Working together with the community to clean up the streets literally NOT figuratively. Making our communities safe us and our children. Creating an environment for good success.

  • Enhance Community Awareness
  • Increase the visibility of program
  • Broaden community support
  • Engage new partners/stakeholders
  • Improve knowledge and attitudes and health behaviors
  • Rebuild community spiritually, socially, economically by revitalization
  • Community Development through building new homes and/or renovating the dwellings that need it
  • Increase the value of the communities showing less value not only through better housing but change of minds and views of the same communities
  • Offer construction skill classes as well as on the job training provided by local professionals
  • Building strong family values through Kingdom Rights teachings of discipleship by going back and picking up the broken pieces to enable us to go forward to better and secure future for our children
  • Providing the resources to meet the needs of those who are striving to live a better life
  • Helping people to become homeowners