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His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done

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Good Day Kingdom!

This the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

We are faced with so many challenges right now and it can be uneasy as well as difficult on some days, but we can win with the right attitude and mind set. We must take authority over our own selves and not be overly concerned about others especially if it is negative. We must have a mindset to be victorious and proclaim to be joyful and thankful for what we do have despite of what is going on around us. We also must protect what we have on the inside and not allow the outside to make it's way inside of us. Guard your heart to keep it pure and then...only then will you see God in this Unrest. We should trust God with this day and ourselves since He has made both of us.

Remember this is a day that we all have never seen before, so I want to encourage everyone to start your day with the One who made this day which is God. Let's start by giving Him thanks before we give him our problems, concerns or complaints. No one wants to deal with problems all the time and that includes God as well. Treat Him the way you would want to be treated. He is God, but He's way more than that. He's not some "Thing" we go to for things, but He's our Father, our life, our source, our blessing, our love, our protector, our everything. He's our life, even as he is forever living...The True and Living God! 

Jesus was and still is our greatest example in introducing us to God, showing us who He really is, about His kingdom and how we should approach Him (Matthew 6:9-13)  We should recognize Him for who He is and approach Him with thanks and appreciation first, then honoring Him and talk to Him as our Father, (He knows our needs even before we ask).  During the time when Jesus walked this earth and started his ministry, it was the greatest time of "UNREST" for Israel as a nation and the Roman Government.  During that most difficult time is when the Son of God was revealed and the Church was birthed, which changed the world forever.

Jesus took 12 ordinary men who believed and followed HIM, in exchange were able to do extraordinary things.

People of God...REJOICE!  God is up to something in this great year of 2020. "20/20" means, " Perfect Vision" this is the year that God is testing our eyesight. How well can you see? More importantly, "What do you see?"

So question...What will be birthed in this UNREST which we are presently facing in our great nation and the world?


Love and Blessings,

Pastor Joseph Brice